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Hi there, I'm Basia,

a Sr Product Designer

I combine the power of empathy and data

to drive business growth through design

Currently at

Previously at Atlassian and Slice.
Based in NJ/NY.

Below are a few things I’ve designed recently:

Trello Virality Initiative:

Helping turbo-charge collaboration and increase engagement (MAU)

I led virality initiatives for Trello using data-driven strategies. My role included UX strategy, user needs research, guiding teams to establish requirements, and creating iterative designs. I worked to optimize the customer funnel through acquisition, activation, retention, and monetization, aiming to boost Trello's success. I led seven experiments that increased monthly active users. Designs successfully productionized in Q2 2022.

* password protected

Read Case StudyRead Case Study

Slice Rewards Program:

Rewarding customers for their loyalty using the Slice app and increasing retention

I led end-to-end process of a the Slice Rewards program on the iOS and Android apps to reward loyal customers, improve retention and decrease churn rate. The program was launched in Q1 2021.

* password protected

Read Case StudyRead Case Study

Confluence's Public Page:

Addressing accessibility and increasing user acquisition

I led end-to-end process of a Growth experiment for Confluence web to improve user acquisition and user activation for Confluence by addressing the lack of accessibility for unlicensed users on the public link page. The experiment is still ongoing as of Q1 2023.